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On set at UF Health Ortho
N. Cravey operating the DJI Ronin for the Florida Gators
T. Chapman at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium on an Exactech Shoot
N. Cravey between set up for the Florida Gators Basketball Team

 ​Studio 601 is equipped:

-Panasonic Lumix S1H Cameras

-Sony FS7 Cameras

-Lumix, Nikon and Xeen lens packages

-DJI Ronin RS3 Pro

-DJI High Bright Wireless Monitor

-Zoom F6 6-Input Field Recorder

-Schoeps CMIT 5 Shotgun Microphones (2)

-Wired & Wireless Lavalier Mics

-1 Ton Grip Truck

   -4ft Kino Flos (2) 

   -1x1 Astra (6)

   -Hive Lighting's Killer Plasma Maxi Pars (2)

   -Intellytech Pocket Cannons (3)

-Field Teleprompter

-An array of c-stands, juniors, beefy baby's,

6x6 frames, 3 small generators &

other grip equipment


Studio 601 uses the Adobe Suite of software, and DaVinci color. We're trained by color specialist Warren Eagles. 

Gainesville's Studio 601 stands out with its extensive inventory of camera support, lighting, and grip equipment, making it a preferred choice for filmmakers and production teams in North Central Florida. 

Having some fun in the studio shooting pirates
T. Chapman in the studio shooting Florida Gators Basketball
Production shots for Nicklaus Children's Hospital
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